The first meeting of the Braund Society was held on 28 February 1982, so, although it was a coincidence, it seems very appropriate that we have exposed this website to the world forty years later. So here is the very first post on our shiny new website. We hope that you will enjoy exploring its pages. The site is new born, so we welcome feedback and suggestions for its development. We have checked everything over and over again but it is only when you press that publish button that the typos jump out at you and the bits don't quite work come to light; please to tell us if you find any problems.
There are quite a few more pages in the planning stages, so there will be plenty of additional content to see over the coming months.
We will be using this blog to keep you up to date with all the latest Braund Society news and events, as well as family history discoveries and additions to the website so do keep checking back.
We are hoping that our 40th birthday celebrations, which all those who are interested in our family's history can attend and the launch of this new website, will make you think about becoming a member of the society in this our anniversary year. There is so much on offer for the price of a couple of cups of coffee or pints of beer.
