There have been a few changes and additions since the site launched ten days ago and more are planned. We can't promise that there will be something new every week but while the site is still being developed, we will keep you up to date with what's new on Website Wednesdays.
A lot of this week's site building time has been spent tweaking the appearance and accessibility of the of the site. Some of you loved the white on black print, others found it difficult to read. We have changed most but not all, of the pages to keep the 'look' but make it easier on the eye. There are now up arrows at the bottom of each page, to help with navigation; we know we have crammed a lot of information on some pages. We have also added alternative text to all the images, for the benefit of those who rely on audio descriptions.
There was still time to add new content. There are now pages devoted to Braunds in the USA and New Zealand; Australia and Canada will follow. These pages only contain basic information at the moment; they will be expanded in time. We have also added a list of the Braund wills that we have copies of and a page about our DNA project. If you look at the Meet Us page, you will see that there are now both regional co-ordinators and branch co-ordinators, at least for some branches and others will follow. This is to give a more personal feel and provide another point of contact. If you would like to be put in touch with your co-ordinator(s) please let us know. The family history research will still be overseen by our historian and all enquiries about family trees should be sent in her direction using the contact us box.
We welcomed three new society members this week. Let's hope there will be many more to come. Details of how to join us can be found here.