For all those who are subscribing members of the Braund Society, the March journals will be on their way to you tomorrow. If you receive a copy electronically, then it should be in your inbox now. Here is what you have to look forward to:
A Picture Paints a Thousand Words (19)
Thomas Matthews Braund (1)
William Braund of Dartford (8)
The Career Women of Armidale (1)
Albert Braund of Hitchin (24)
Early Days in Sennelager (2)
The Sad Stories of Two Sarahs (2 & 4)
Braunds and the Building of the Bude Canal (1 & 17)
Descent from Bucks Mills (2)
William Sanders’ Wrestling Belt (7)
The numbers refer to the branch of the Braund family that features in a particular item.
