On Saturday 9 July 2022, there will be a Braund visit to East Shallowford Farm, Widdecombe on the Moor, to see the legacy of the excellent work done by Elizabeth Braund in bringing the country to city children.
We will arrive at 12.45pm in time for lunch. There will be opportunities for those coming from Bideford/Barnstaple to car share. There will be no charge for the visit or the lunch but donations towards the work of the charity are encouraged as, if you are a car-share passenger, are contributions towards fuel costs. Visitors are advised to wear sturdy shoes, as part of the visit will be on a very small area of cobbles and across part of a field to see where the conservation work for the Marsh Fritillary Butterfly is going on.
Please contact us asap if you would like to join us. The closing date for bookings is 14 June.
