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Braunds in New Zealand

Liz Steer (branch 2) co-ordinates the research relating to the Braund family in New Zealand. If you are a Braund or Braund descendant living in New Zealand, or are related to the New Zealand Braunds, please ask to be put in touch with Liz.

Here is a list of Braund and Braund descendant emigrants who left for New Zealand before 1920. They represent branches 1, 2, 6, 7, 17 and 24. Some of them have descendants who are still living in New Zealand. There are also more recent emigrants living in New Zealand today, representing branches 2, 6 and 8. There is information about Braund branches here.


1849 Margaret Steel née Hunt (c.1805-1886) of St. Germans, Cornwall, whose mother was a branch 6 Braund, travelled on the Oriental Queen and settled in Parnell, Auckland. Her story is told in Was the Grass Greener?

1851 George Braund Woodman (c.1826-1890) and his wife Elizabeth née Bater of Highampton, Devon branch 7. He travelled on the Canterbury and settled in Christchurch.

1850s William Henry Braund (c.1821-1894) of Hitchin, Hertfordshire, branch 24. He settled in Christchurch.

1857 James Braund (c.1826-1897) of Bucks Mills, Devon, branch 2. He travelled on the Surprise and settled in Auckland. His story is told in Was the Grass Greener?

1890s Alfred John Brawn (1872-1942) of Plymouth, Devon, branch 17. He settled in Auckland. His story is told in Was the Grass Greener?

1890s Victor Maurice Braund (1860-1927), branch 1, who had been born in Normandy, France, left London and settled in Wellington. His story is told in Was the Grass Greener?

1908 Isabella Fry (1868-1908), later wife of William George Braund, of Darlington, Durham, branch 2. She travelled on the Ionic and settled in Wellington. Her story is told on the Braund Stories page.

New Zealand map of who settled where

Useful Websites for information about New Zealand Braunds


Captain James’ story on the Symonds Street Cemetery page 

Joseph Norman Braund's medals are reunited 

The George Braund Woodman building in Christchurch 

The New Zealand Reunion Facebook Group

Map of New Zealand  Braund burials

Braund Journal Articles Relating to New Zealand Braunds


Back copies of our journal are available in the shop.


Issue 10 – September 1984 Captains and Heroes - James Braund of New Zealand

Issue 11 – December 1984 The First New Zealand Member – Maureen Tilly née Braund

Issue 31 – December 1989 Tribute to Mr Owen Braund of New Zealand

Issue 58 – September 1996 News from New Zealand – Hector Davis-Braund

Issue 63 – December 1997 Shipwreck - Captain James Braund of New Zealand – Diana Harding

Issue 88 – March 2004 Grave Matters in Auckland – Michael Braund

Issue 109 – June 2009 William who? .. a harbour mystery yet to be resolved … and a double tragedy for Captain James – Liz Steer

Issue 110 – September 2009 Mary Matilda Braund – Captain James’ double tragedy weekend – Liz Steer

Issue 111 – December 2009 Braund Family Reunion Auckland – 18th -20th September – Jenny and Peter Bishop

Issue 116 – March 2011 News from New Zealand – Liz Steer

Issue 131 – December 2014 Braunds in World War 1: New Zealand – Liz Steer

Issue 132 – March 2015 Grave Matters – Captain James Braund of Auckland – Liz Steer

Issue 135 – December 2015 More from Symonds Street Cemetery – Liz Steer

Issue 145 – June 2018 News of the New Zealand Reunion – Tom Gott

Issue 148 – March 2019 The New Zealand Reunion – Tom Gott and Liz Steer

Issues 158 & 159 – September and December 2021 From Darlington to Wellington : The Sad Story of Isabella Fry – Janet Few


Journal contributions from New Zealand resident Hector Davis-Braund about his grandfather John Braund – furniture designer


Issue 67 – December 1998 By Royal Appointment – John Braund the furniture designer

Issue 74 – September 2000 John Braund – Designer and Master Craftsman (1800-1882) Part 1

Issue 75 – December 2000 John Braund – Designer and Master Craftsman (1800-1882) Part 2 

Issue 76 – March 2001 John Braund – Designer and Master Craftsman (1800-1882) Part 3

Issue 77 – September 2001 John Braund – Designer and Master Craftsman (1800-1882) Part 4

The New Zealand Braund Reunion 2009

New Zealand Reunion 2009

The New Zealand Braund Reunion 2019

New Zealand Reunion 2019

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